- abstracted sensation
- абстрагируемое ощущение
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Critique of Pure Reason — Part of a series on Immanuel … Wikipedia
Latin American art — Introduction artistic traditions that developed in Mesoamerica, Central America, and South America after contact with the Spanish and Portuguese beginning in 1492 and 1500, respectively, and continuing to the present. This article… … Universalium
painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present. Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in … Universalium
epistemology — epistemological /i pis teuh meuh loj i keuhl/, adj. epistemologically, adv. epistemologist, n. /i pis teuh mol euh jee/, n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. [1855 60; < Gk… … Universalium
Brett Whiteley — AO (7 April 1939 – 15 June 1992) was an Australian artist. One of the best known Australian painters of the 20th century, he is collected in most Australian galleries. He had many shows in his career, and travelled extensively around the… … Wikipedia
Intellect — • The faculty of thought Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Intellect Intellect † … Catholic encyclopedia
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge — wikisourcepar|A Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Commonly called Treatise when referring to Berkeley s works) is a 1710 work by the Irish Empiricist philosopher George… … Wikipedia
empiricism — empiricist, n., adj. /em pir euh siz euhm/, n. 1. empirical method or practice. 2. Philos. the doctrine that all knowledge is derived from sense experience. Cf. rationalism (def. 2). 3. undue reliance upon experience, as in medicine; quackery. 4 … Universalium
metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… … Universalium
Empiricism — • Primarily, and in its psychological application, the term signifies the theory that the phenomena of consciousness are simply the product of sensuous experience, i.e. of sensations variously associated and arranged Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… … Catholic encyclopedia